Phone number: 07520634308
Call started on: 07/09/2023
Searches: 2089 / Update: 19/01/2025
Summary: Negative ( 0 positive · 1 Scam · 0 Spam · 0 Not sure)
Address: Mobile phone, United Kingdom
Who called me from 07520634308, We have received a user’s report about phone number 07520634308 with the following content:
I recently received a highly convincing email in my inbox, even appearing to be sent from a Google Forms address. The email stated that a £500 iTunes gift card purchase had been made and advised me to call a number if I wished to cancel the purchase. I strongly caution against calling the number, as this is undoubtedly a scam
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Location of phone number 07520634308
What is the other format of the phone number 07520634308?
Phone number 07520634308 can also be written in the following ways +447520634308 (UK)
This number was provided in a scam or phishing email, claiming that I needed to call to prevent a £400 payment for an iTunes gift card. This is undoubtedly a fraudulent attempt.