Phone number: 01344951332
Call started on: 18/09/2024
Searches: 112 / Update: 15/10/2024
Summary: Negative ( 0 positive · 0 Scam · 0 Spam · 1 Not sure)
Address: Bracknell, United Kingdom
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What is the other format of the phone number 01344951332?
Phone number 01344951332 can also be written in the following ways +441344951332 (UK)
This number is used on several scam adverts. It has been used for *Taking Briton by storm” type products with free TV channels ads for a simple TV aerial, Internet speed boosting plug ins and now for a £100 go anywhere and get wifi from a simple router that you can run many devices at once and not lose connections. It is just a small mobile phone base with a sim card and a body with no buttons. The scam is that it hides the monthly charges within pages that are so long nobody ever gets to read them all until they try to contact the number on the adverts or the email address a month later when they realise they have paid a direct debit the the company.