Phone number: 01159338000
Call started on: 16/07/2023
Searches: 1023 / Update: 10/12/2024
Summary: Negative ( 0 positive · 0 Scam · 1 Spam · 0 Not sure)
Address: Nottingham, United Kingdom
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What is the other format of the phone number 01159338000?
Phone number 01159338000 can also be written in the following ways +441159338000 (UK)
This number phoned 4 times yesterday afternoon and then 4 calls this morning at 5am .after having come out of hospital with hip replacement 3 days ago I panicked about answering phone downstairs on crutches incase it’s a family emergency . Answered yesterday and no power cut in our area . Extremely harassing especially during ridiculous hours and to keep phoning with minutes of each call .